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My friends’ favourite names
I decided to ask a few friends, who aren’t especially interested in names for the most part, what their favourite names are. I found it interesting to hear their opinions, it was an interesting perspective. I noticed people seem to have an easier time thinking of girls names than boys names. Which of these names do you like best? Who overall do you think had the best taste? 1: Felix, Nyx, Vixen
2. Amber, Cliff, Dove, Jay, Robin
3. Coco, Hermione, Jennifer, Penelope
4. Elijah, Evelyn
5. Arlo, Finley, Freya, Ivy, Rowan, Sienna, Willow
6. Anastasia, James, Latvia, Mercedes, Willow
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1. This person really likes "x"! I like Nyx and Felix is pretty good too. Vixen sounds cool but I don't think it's good for a human. All these names give the vibe of cats and foxes. I'd ask this person if they like Onyx and Phoenix, plus: Jax, Ajax, Axel, Milo, Theo, Zinnia, Zara, Zola, Alyx, Calixto, Knox, Margo, Xiana, Ziana, Zella, Xenia, Pax, Paston, Azura, Opal, Orion, Tabitha, Leo 2. This person only seems to like word names. I like Amber and Robin. Dove and Jay are pretty good too. I don't like Cliff. I'd ask this person if they like: Violet, Raven, Ember, Canyon, Forest, Wren, Oak, Ash, Falcon, Ray, Iris, Sage, Rain, River, Ocean, Dawn, August, May 3. I don't think I can pinpoint this person's style. Hermione and Penelope are both long, fancy Greek names that are usable in English.

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This message was edited 5/19/2024, 8:04 PM

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I can pick out names that I enjoy (even slightly) from each list! My favorites are Amber, Jennifer, Sienna, James, Anastasia, Freya, and Elijah! I also enjoy Felix and Penelope!
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My favorite is probably 4, as it matched my style. I don’t like 1 but they are well matched. 3 feels a little all over the place. 6 is decent. I find 5 very well matched
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1. I don't like any, but Felix isn't awful. Why would you name a child Vixen? Way too x heavy.
2. Overall, the set starts seeming hippie-like since they are all nature names. Did they just start listing birds at the end? These could be fine individually, but definitely not as a group.
3. This seems all over the place. I don't understand how one person picked such a variety. Jennifer and Penelope are okay.
4. Someone who at least has a top boy and top girl name and both are nice names.
5. I like Freya, Sienna and Willow. Rowan, Ivy and Finley are okay. I don't like Arlo, but it's not awful. Definitely seems like the most cohesive and I think overall this person has the best taste.
6. Second best. They ruined it with Latvia. Mercedes isn't really good either. Anastasia and James are great.
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Very interesting, and very American. Names that I like: Robin (m), Jennifer, Penelope, Evelyn, Rowan (m), James. And since I don't mind Hermione, and can overlook Coco for tennis reasons, my tastes mostly mesh with Friend 3's.

This message was edited 5/19/2024, 1:02 AM

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I also think of gal names I think I like, more readily than guy names. There's often a different vibe to choosing which ones I like, depending on the gender. Hm.I like Jay, Robin (f), Elijah, Rowan (m), Sienna, and Anastasia.
I like the taste of your friends 2 and 5 best. I like the retro word-names thing, even though not all the #2 names are my style. And I like the fashionable-but-not-trendy-type names of #5, although I don't like all the names they listed.I know you can't post it, but I can't help wondering what the first names of each of these people are, and how they compare to the lists they made.
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I think your Number Five friend has the best taste.
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For me, I'm pickier with girl names. I think it's because a lot of them feel too cutesy or sound too feminine if that makes sense.
1. I like Felix and Nyx. This person likes X's.
2. I like all the names!
3. I like them all save for Jennifer. It has no personality.
4. I really like Elijah and Evelyn.
5. This person likes the trending names. I'm not fond of Freya, Finley or Sienna. I quite like the others.
6. I don't like Mercedes or Latvia but the others are fine.Friend #2 has the best taste which doesn't seem fair because they mostly named nature stuff and I have a huge bias for nature names. Friend #6 has the most varied taste, I think. Latvia came out of nowhere.
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1. the names aren't my style, but i like them. it seems that person quite likes the -ix sound
2. It seems this person likes nature names and bird names specifically. I like Dove and Jay best
3. I like Penelope and sort of Jennifer, but not the rest. All of those names sound like the type of name that you could stick with a fancy sounding surname and put in on a perfume line of something like that.
4. Both popular but good names.
5. They all sound like they fit together, but I can think of a common theme. I like Willow, Ivy, Arlo and Rowan best
6. Anastasia, Mercedes and Latvia all sound very elaborate, though I wouldn't have thought of Latvia as a name. I like Willow and James as well.
As for best taste, I like 4 because both are names I quite like, and 6 because it's interesting but good overall
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I like Hermione, Freya, Nyx Anastasia, Sienna and Felix.Vixen sometimes means a shrewd, ill tempered woman or a sexually attractive woman so I don't think that's the best meaning for a name to have.
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Your fifth friend appears to have the most down-to-earth, sensible taste, with the most variety. It's the kind of thing I look for when examining others' tastes in names. I'm surprised by some of the others' picks... is anyone seriously considering Latvia or Vixen?
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Some of these definitely surprised me too! Don’t worry, this was just for fun so nobody here is actually naming anyone anytime soon (except maybe pets).
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